How to use and adapt the #TransJusticeSyllabus

The purpose of the #TransJusticeSyllabus is one of open, public education regarding trans and intersex issues in sociology, academia, and society at large. Similar to other social justice syllabi, the #TransJusticeSyllabus is arranged into a 13-week semester (plus one bonus week) of suggested weekly topics framed by a central theme regarding trans justice. Each week includes a list of topical readings and films not limited to sociological perspectives. The syllabus should be understood as an always already impartial list of readings. As such, this syllabus is a live document that is meant to be developed, adapted, shared, and used for educational purposes. We also have provided a syllabus template that you may use to develop your own course.

We would like to note two important things regarding the syllabus. First and foremost, we have worked to incorporate texts throughout the syllabus that apply an intersectional framework. Rather than siloing race, class, ability, sexuality, and other identities to a singular week, we felt that it was important to incorporate them throughout the semester reading so that whiteness and other privileged identities are not normalized. Second, as the syllabus is used and grows, we encourage users to think critically about the politics of citations. We have given great thought about who is cited throughout the syllabus — questioning both the quality, methods, and motivations behind academic research regarding trans individuals as well as attempting to amplify the voices of trans academics.

We do ask that when this syllabus is used that the source is acknowledged. Acknowledging the source is a means of recognizing the labor of marginalized communities, creating networks, documenting our histories, and tracing power.

If you are planning on adapting this syllabus for a course of your own:
Be sure to include the following disclaimer statement at the top or bottom of your syllabus: “This syllabus was adapted from the “#TransJusticeSyllabus compiled by the Sociologists for Trans Justice Committee for Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies in Academia” and include the link: Send a courtesy email to, notifying us of your intention to use this syllabus.

Suggested ASA Citation:
Committee for Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies in Academia. 2017. #TransJusticeSyllabus. Sociologists for Trans Justice. <>
Following the recommendations of Dr. Z Nicolazzo, should any person want to honor the labor and effort it takes to create and maintain this syllabus, you can contribute financially to trans people in several ways, including:

  • — Making a one-time or ongoing donation to community-based trans organizations
  • — Contributing to causes and initiatives tagged with the #TransCrowdFund hashtag
  • — Ensuring that trans people, particularly trans women of color, are brought to your campus/organization/association and compensated fairly for their intellectual contributions
  • — Volunteering your time to work alongside trans-centered and led committees and organizations including Sociologists for Trans Justice.

Should you want help identifying organizations to contribute to financially and/or with your time, please reference Week 14 of the Weekly Readings section of Dr. Z Nicolazzo’s Trans* Studies in Higher Education syllabus as well as resources provided by S4TJ.