8:00 AM | Registration opens |
8:30 AM
8:50 AM
| Welcome. Nesbitt Auditorium 111
- Katie L. Acosta, Associate Professor, Georgia State University
9:00 AM
10:50 AM
| Plenary: Sexualities, Race, Empire. Nesbitt Auditorium 111
- Moderator: Nancy Naples, Professor, University of Connecticut
- Roderick Ferguson, Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
- Jin Haritaworn, Associate Professor, York University
- Vrushali Patil, Associate Professor, Florida International University
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Panel 1: Quaring Intimacies. Pearlstein 102
- Constructing the Perfect Girlfriend: Race, Class, Gender & Performativity of Paid Intimacy in Nevada Brothels. Christina Guimaraes Parreira, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Transgender Youth of Color at the Intersection of Race & Gender Identity. Griffin Ryan Lacy, University at Albany-SUNY
- "It Feels Very Vulnerable, Particularly as a Black Woman": Race, Class, and Gender in Queer Polyamory. Emily Pain, University at Albany-SUNY
- Intimate Candor: Digital Storytelling & Intimacy among Queer Black Women. Dominique M. Adams-Santos, Northwestern University
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Panel 2: Contesting Spaces and Places. Pearlstein 206
- "Unfortunately, that's life for us Asians...": Racialized Sexual Capital and the Korean Spa as Sexual Field. Kendall Ota, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Whiteness, Settler Claims to Land, and Queer Rural Belonging in the Contemporary U.S. Miriam J. Abelson, Portland State University
- Protesting Festivals and Making Racially-Inclusive Events: LGBTQ Challenges to Racial Inequality in the South and Southwest. Amy L. Stone, Trinity University
- Rethinking Violence: Theorizing Daily Interactions and Geographies of Oppression. Simone Alexandra Kolysh, CUNY Graduate Center
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Panel 3: Racial Politics of Sexual Well-being. Pearlstein 207
- From Racism to Risk Prevention: Racialized Sexualities and the Construction of the Other Sexual Citizens in Sex education. Barbara Rothmuller
- Power and Prevention: A Qualitative Inquiry into Racialized Power Dynamics in HIV Prevention Counseling. Bradley Shawn Powell, Case Western Reserve University
- Discreet Wisdom: The Construction of Black Women’s Sexual Health Risk as a Rationale to Sexually Surveil Black Men to Detect Down Low Men. Brandon Alston, Northwestern University
- 'Makin' Sure It's Equal': The Politics of Pleasure in Black Women's Expectations and (Dis)Satisfaction. Elizabeth Hughes, University of California, Riverside
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Panel 4: Queering the Life Course. Pearlstein 303
- Life Course Patterns of Sexuality in Unions: When the 'Known' is No More. Megan M. Jones, Florida State University; Lacey J. Ritter, Wingate University
- Learning Sex: Sexual Messages and Race across the Life Course. Allison Nobles, University of Minnesota
- A New Generation of Sexual Stories: The True Stories Young People Tell about Sex. Mary Robertson, California State University San Marcos
- “I'd Like to Be in a Relationship but I'm Not Doing Any More Laundry”: How Single Women Age 65+ Feel about Romantic and Sexual Relationships. Kjerstin Gruys, University of Nevada - Reno; Theresa Skaar, University of Nevada - Reno
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Panel 5: Navigating LGBTQ Identities Institutionally. Pearlstein 307
- Institutionalizing the Intersections: Gender and Racial Equity from Margins to Philanthropy. Carolyn Chernoff and V Varun Chaudhry, Northwestern University
- "Technically, I'm a contractor": Intersecting Identities and Challenges of Fragmented Career Paths in STEM. Tom J. Waidzunas, Temple University; Ethan Levine, Temple University; Erin Cech, University of Michigan
- Literal and Figurative Safe Spaces: How Context Shapes Gay Straight Alliances. Amie Patricia Hess, Meredith College
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Roundtable 1A: States, Sites, and Regulating Sexuality. Pearlstein 308
- Sexualizing and Racializing AIDS Governance in Postcolonial Taiwan. Po-Chia Tseng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Regulating the Classroom, Regulating Gender: The State & the Subject. Jax J. Gonzalez,University of Colorado, Boulder
- Raunch Culture Administration. Bernadette Barton, Morehead State University
- A Christian Defense: The Shift from the Gay Imaginary to the Straight Congregant. Sarah Diefendorf, University of Washington
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Roundtable 1B: Campus Lives of Race, Gender, & Sexuality. Pearlstein 308
- Hookup Culture in the Age of Apps. Nicole Andrejek, McMaster University
- “It’s Like You Either Show Up or You’re Out:” Student of Color Communities, Racial Authenticity and the Search for Sexual Partners at Two Predominantly White Universities. Janelle M. Pham, University of California Santa Barbara
- Coming Out Online and On Campus: A Queer Analysis of Identity Formation. Ian
P. Callahan, University at Albany-SUNY
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
| Workshop: Incorporating Sexualities, Race, & Empire. Nesbitt Auditorium 111
- Moon Charania, Assistant Professor, Spelman College
12:30 PM
1:50 PM
| Lunch Plenary: Methodologies in Sexualities Studies
- Moderator: Chaitanya Lakkimsetti, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
- bee coston, Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Patrick Grzanka, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Evren Savci, Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
- Kristen Schilt, Associate Professor, University of Chicago
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Panel 6: Regulating Genders. Pearlstein 102
- Gender, Sexuality, or Both? Adjudicating Transgender Asylum Claims in the United States. Stefan Vogler, Northwestern University
- Gender Unknown: Psychiatry, Scientific Knowledge Production, and Determining Gender. Cal Lee Garrett, University of Illinois at Chicago
- (Un)Imagined Communities: Discourses of Difference, Distance, and Exclusion in Trans* and Gender-Variant Asylum Jurisprudence. Alexander K. Davis, Princeton University
- Exploring the Increase of Transgender Health Care in Family Planning Clinics in the United States. Natalie Ingraham, California State University, East Bay
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Panel 7: Constructing Transgender: On Families and Youth. Pearlstein 206
- The Transgender Child Must Be Defended. Omi S. Salas-SantaCruz, University of California, Berkeley
- Parenting Trans Kids: Lessons from the Frontlines. Ann Travers, Simon Fraser University
- An International Exploration of Trans Male Practices of Reproduction. Carla A. Pfeffer, University of South Carolina
- Unsettled Identities: How White Hegemony Shapes Trans Youth. Jonathan Anthony Jimenez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Panel 8: Making Subjects and Citizens. Pearlstein 207
- “Not On the Agenda”: Women’s Football, “Queer” Sexuality, and Inclusive Citizenship. Anima Adjepong, Simmons College
- Gay Brain Drain: Migration Out of a Place Because of the Lack of Legal Protection forLGBTPeople. Yiu Tung Suen, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Curing the Ego-Dystonic/Shameful Sexual Subjects: The Transplantation of Affective Homonormative Politics and the Diagnostic Status of Homosexuality in China. Suisui Wang, Indiana University Bloomington
- Nation, Gender, and Martyrdom: The Killing of an Indian Journalist. Shwetha Delanthamajalu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Panel 9: Tense Intimacies: Family and the State. Nesbitt Auditorium 111
- Queering Family Reunification. Amy Brainer, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Out(side) La Familia: Puerto Rican LGBT Accounts of the Sociopolitical and Economic Conditions Framing Heteronormativity in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Marysol Asencio, University of Connecticut
- By the Authority Vested: Colonial Legacies and the Everyday Life of Marriage Law in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Michael W. Yarbrough, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)
- The Polygamist Closet: New Theoretical Perspectives on Regulating Sexual “Otherness.” Melanie Heath, McMaster University
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Panel 10: Exclusion, Inclusion, and Shifts in Attitudes Towards LGBTQIA+. Pearlstein 303
- LGBTQ Military Members: Blurring the Boundaries of Inclusion, Agency, and Exploitation. Courtney Caviness, University of California, Davis
- On the Shifting Relationship between Masculinity and Homophobia. Tristan Bridges, University of California, Santa Barbara; Sarah Diefendorf, University of Washington
- After Assimilation: Gay Right Wing Politics and Social Class in the “Beacon of LGBTRights”. Jeffrey W. Lockhart, University of Michigan
- Religious Freedom, Parents’ Rights, and Anti-LGBTQ Counter-Mobilization. Kate Henley Averett, University at Albany-SUNY
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Roundtable 2: Queer Transnationalism and Queer Activism. Pearlstein 307
- Queer Passages and the Assemblages of Blackness: A Queer Reading on Possibilities and Peril. Chriss Victoria Sneed, University of Connecticut
- Erotic Life in the State of Exception. Ghazah Abbasi, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Labors of Love: Rethinking Sex Work in the Globalizing City. Gowri Vijayakumar, Brandeis University
- Mobilizing LGBT Collective Memory During the Neo-Ottomanist JDP Period. Caner Hazar, University of Connecticut
- Mestizaje in Queer Places: Race and the 'Other1 in Peruvian LGBTQ Activism. Cynthia Hilda Melendez, University of Connecticut-El Instituto
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
| Workshop: Peer Dissertation Review and Critique. Pearlstein 308
- Hector Carrillo, Professor, Northwestern University
- Arlene Stein, Professor, Rutgers University
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Panel 11 :"Doing" Transgender. Pearlstein 206
- Grappling With Masculinity: The Presentation of Unmasculine, Anti-Masculine, Feminine (Trans)masculine Selves as a Disidentificatory Resistance Practice. Sonny Nordmarken, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Exploring Gendered Racialization in the #WeHappyTrans Digital Activism Project. Jordan Forrest Miller, Georgia State University
- “I’m Transgender. No Hard Feelings If This Is Not Something that Would Not Work ”: Disclosing Trans Identity in Organic and Inorganic Intimate Relationships.Tristen Kade, Portland State University
- Thinking Cis: Transantagonism, Cis-Het Men, and Cis Lesbians. alithia zamantakis, Georgia State University
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Panel 12: Insiders/Outsiders, Repression/Resistance. Pearlstein 207
- Queers Bash Back!: The Pink Pistols and LGBTQ Gun Rights. Thatcher Phoenix Combs, University of Texas, Austin
- Relational Repression and Queer Resistance in China. Di Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Allyship and the Perils of Inside/Out Politics: Bisexual Erasure and Trans Exclusion within LGBTQ Activism. Jaime Nicole Hartless, University of Virginia
- Selective Suffragette Success: An Examination of the Modern Women’s Rights Movement. Dresden Lackey, Georgia State University; Ebony Respress, Georgia State University
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Panel 13: States, Social Movements and Queer Citizens. Pearlstein 102
- Fault Lines and Resistances: The Politics of Police in LGBTQ Spaces in Canada. Alexa DeGagne, Athabasca University
- Queer Citizenship: Debating Discrimination and Religious Exemption. Emily Kazyak, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Alice MillerMacPhee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kelsy Burke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Creativity and Resilience in lgbt Organizing in Nigeria after the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act. Rachel Sullivan Robinson, American University; Nicole Angotti, American University; Tara McKay, Vanderbilt University
- Born to be Gay in the United States, Choosing to be Gay in France. Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, Universite Bordeaux Montaigne
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Panel 14: Racializing and Gendering Spaces. Nesbitt Auditorium 111
- Gay Bars, Queer Bars, White bars, Everybody bars? Exclusion and Inclusion in LGBTQ+ Businesses. Greggor Mattson, Oberlin College
Making and Unmaking Gendered and Racial Gayborhoods: LGBTQ Commercial Spaces in Philadelphia, 1945 to 2015. Jason Orne, Drexel University
The (Black) Gay Bar as Inclusive, Disruptive, and Discursive Space. Morgan R. Purrier, University of Michigan
Meanings of Gender-Divided Bathrooms and the Implications for Transgender People. Hubert Izienicki, Purdue University Northwest |
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Panel 15: Qualitatively Accounting for Sexual and Gender Minority Life Experiences. Pearlstein 303
- Doing Rural Queer Research: Strategies and Experiences from the Field. Amanda A. Stewart, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Huge Drag Shows but No Gay Bar: Ambivalent LGBTQ Communities. Clare Forstie, Farmingdale State College
- Queer Street Smarts: Gender, Sexuality, and Navigating Homelessness. Brandon Andrew Robinson, University of California, Riverside
- Race and Queer Resiliency in Hostile Areas. Sarah Davis, Trinity University; Philip McKeon, Trinity University; Samsara Davalos Reyes, Trinity University; Katherine Sibley, Trinity University
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Roundtable 3A: Campus and Classroom Initiatives. Pearlstein 307
- Resistance and Boundaries: Contraceptive Coverage at a Catholic Institution. Brianna McCaslin, University of Notre Dame
- Understanding and Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Campus Members: Best Practices, Institutional Barriers, and Future Directions. Kathleen P. Farrell, Colby-Sawyer College; J. Jeanine Ruhsam, Colby-Sawyer College
- Teaching Sexuality: Social Construction Versus the Gay Gene, How can Sociology Bridge the Divide? Monica Jarvi, University of Minnesota; Allison Nobles,University of Minnesota
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Roundtable 3B: Cultures, Contexts, and Corporations. Pearlstein 307
- Shifting Social Contexts: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Race as Former Female College Athletes Transition to Adulthood.
- Only the Real Criminals Rape: How Women Make Sense of Sexual Violence in the U.S. Legal Cannabis Industry. Katie Kaufman Rogers, University of Texas at Austin
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
| Workshop: Professional Queers. Pearlstein 308
- Shantel Buggs, Assistant Professor, Florida State University
- Tey Meadow, Assistant Professor, Columbia University
6:00 PM
| Reception offsite |